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I established Bigdog with Joy, who currently lives in New York.We led the team,hoping to experiement how technology like AI can revolutionize the current market.This project combines my passion for finance, data-driven solution and designing together.
Here I will cover the principle of this project here,for more detailed information, refer to the following link:

1. Introduction

Island Craft is a community-driven decentralized Gamefi2.0 aggregator that increases user engagement and entertainment through token incentives. We have created a new NFT+token economic system that nicely combines the best of DeFi and NFT, using financial mechanisms and game systems to empower users and developers

2. Structure

2.1 Decentralized Structure

2.2 Product Structure

2.3 Project Structure

3. Model

The value of all Island Craft activity will be reflected in the fully diluted market value of the DAOGO token governance.
3.1 Economic Model

Toke Name DAO Token DAO Doggo
Token Symbol DAOT DAOGO
Type consumption token governance token
Initial supply 1,000,000,000,000 100,000,000
Max supply 1,000,000,000 10,000,000
Value trend Absolute deflation Trend-decaying inflation
Whether to issue additional Dynamic additions or destruction No
CUBE address / /

Three token model application scenarios and value capture model in Millionaire

3.2 Trading System

Category Percents Release rule Quantity
Ecosystem 15% TGE20% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 12 months 15000000
Team 10% TGE10% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 18 months 10000000
Private Funding 20% TGE30% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 12 months 20000000
Consulting Team 10% TGE10% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 24 months 10000000
Play-to-earn 25% TGE0% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 24 months 25000000
Public Funding 5% TGE100% 5000000
Staking 5% TGE0% with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 12 months 5000000
Liquidity 5% TGE100% 5000000
Reserve warehouse 5% Lock for one year with the remainder unlocked linearly monthly for 24 months 5000000
In Total 100% 200000000

3.3 Business Model

  • Direct or indirect use of NFT/FT assets owned by Island Craft to generate revenue through Defi’s series of protocols, leases/pledges/liquidity mining, etc.
  • Support more high-quality Gamefi2.0 projects to get more user resources and information resources, and grow together with the projects to gain revenue.
  • NFT ownership will benefit from an increase in the economic value of in-game assets and be reflected in the value of native homogenized tokens (FTs) on the public market.

3.4 Profit Model

  • Revenues generated from virtual assets (NFT / FT) within the asset pool through Defi.
  • % of APY token revenue generated from liquidity mining.
  • assistance in managing and improving collaborative projects (economic model building / smart contract structuring).
  • revenue generated from sponsorship/support activities (AMA / INO / IGO / Airdrop).
  • Revenue generated from DAO’s ongoing regular output of relevant research reports/articles, subscriptions.
  • Revenue generated from NFT / FT sales.

3.4 Launch Model
With the development of the Gamefi 2.0 model, Island Craft’s portfolio will be expanded to include additional games that satisfy the criteria and revenue requirements outlined by the DAO.

  • Millionaire (MOBA) by Doggo Metaverse.
  • Big Dog Metaverse (Minecraft + Animal Cross), produced by Doggo Metaverse
  • Walk My Dog (X to Earn), supported by SIG (the largest investor in Bytedance)